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Pros/Cons being ALONE during Quarantine

Almost 40 days into America’s lock down due to Covid19 and the mental cracks in the foundation are ready to show. Everyone has been affected but what about the single people?

There are over 110 million single adults in the USA alone, that’s over 45% of adult Americans. How does this affect their mental health?

Being completely isolated, many without income and no hopes of upcoming travel, we wanted to check in with our single friends.

Solo Travel Expert, Shelby Frenette, has created travel for singles for over 15 years. She knows thousands of singles and has interviewed several of her single guests in order to check the pulse on this situation. To her surprise, Frenette shares, “It’s true, there are a lot of single people that are struggling with processing this new isolation by themselves. Sadly, some have shared that they’ve experienced bouts of depression.

However, there are many singles that are absolutely enjoying this complete freedom to do what they want, when they want, how they want.  


Many have shared that they miss human touch, like hugging and real life happy hours but the majority feel like technology, such as FaceTime and “happy hour” Zoom sessions, has kept them connected and many are actually enjoying this time alone.”

If you are single, whether you are enjoying the solitude or counting the days until we are reunited, it’s a sure fact that everyone is looking forward to traveling again when it’s safe. This pandemic has highlighted, once again, how lucky we are to travel the world and most of Frenette’s single friends are planning their next singles trip as soon as possible.

If you are interested in seeing what solo adventure sailings are available, get on the VIP list on www.Travel.Fun. We look forward to going EVERYWHERE.

Here are a few tips to stay connected:

• Plan a zoom happy hour with friends
• Take time to FaceTime in lieu of call
• Play on line games live with friends
• Create a travel vision board for the future
• Create an interactive post on social media

 >List YOUR PROS/CONS below in the comment section!