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April 2020

Did you know that almost 300 people have died by taking dangerous selfies? According to a BBC news article "Researchers at the US National Library of Medicine recommend that 'no selfie zones' should be introduced at dangerous spots to reduce deaths.' Travel.Fun offers many solo adventure singles cruising options to fun guests of all ages so we are ALL ABOUT FUN SELFIES! However, when we witnessed this guy on a ledge in Montenegro we felt it was a good time to remind all of our single cruisers to take extra precautions when trying to snap that perfect pic. Let's have some fun

You don't need to be a professional blogger to get people's attention on social media!Creating a fun, interactive social media post is as easy as 1-2-3 and here are a few tips to get you started from Solo Travel Expert, Shelby Frenette. Shelby has been working in the social media industry since 2008 and she wants you all to experience a post that's "on a run!"1.  Ask a question2.  Post one of your favorite photos along with that question3.  Respond to comments on that post as soon as possibleThere are countless questions to pose but here a few of the

Pros/Cons being ALONE during Quarantine Almost 40 days into America's lock down due to Covid19 and the mental cracks in the foundation are ready to show. Everyone has been affected but what about the single people? There are over 110 million single adults in the USA alone, that's over 45% of adult Americans. How does this affect their mental health? Being completely isolated, many without income and no hopes of upcoming travel, we wanted to check in with our single friends. Solo Travel Expert, Shelby Frenette, has created travel for singles for over 15 years. She knows thousands of singles and has interviewed